Senator Daylin Leach’s View of the 2013-14 Governor's Budget
The Commonwealth Foundation’s View of the 2013-14 Governor's Budget

Senator Leach Talks Liquor Store Privatization and Pension Reform

LiguorstoreprivatizationpensionreformTwo issues on the mind of Senator Leach last week (yes we are combining parts 4 & 5) were state liquor store privatization and pension reform, both of which have significant implications for the 2013-14 Commonwealth budget.   The Governor has proposed to privatize the liquor system in Pennsylvania and is committing $1 billion in proceeds to education funding. The $1 billion would be earmarked for his Passport for Learning Block Grant over four years, which will provide flexibility to schools, allowing them to decide what their students need in the areas of school safety, enhanced early education programs, individualized learning and science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses and programs.  On the pension reform front, the Governor’s Budget Office has calculated that pension costs will consume approximately 60 percent of all new revenues in the 2013-14 fiscal year, translating to more than $500 million that could be spent on core programs and services.

Proposal to Privatize State Liquor Stores

On the issue of state liquor store privatization, Senator Leach not surprisingly is concerned with the proposals that he has seen because the numbers “do not add up” and are “wildly optimistic.”  On the other hand he believes that state store modernization would have a far better chance of passing, because the public is looking for convenience.


Pension Reform Plan

The Senator believes that with the passage of Act 20 there is no need to pass any new pension reform legislation.  Rather he argues that the plan being put forward is more ideological rather than fiscal. 


The Triadvocate is a publication of Triad Strategies, LLC, a bipartisan lobbying, public affairs, strategic communications, grassroots advocacy, issue management consulting firm located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, with offices in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh


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